trinity parkway

they've cleared the wetlands
for housing development

my brother-in-law wonders
where did all these rats come from?

i bet the rats wonder 
the same 

i used to smoke cigarettes there
by the levee with my friends 

kissed a boy, standing there in 
the darkness 

the boy and his friend
lit the hillside on fire one july fourth

i used to visit the egrets on my own
and climb into the large scrap metal yard

someone left in the open field
but now the houses, uniform

block out the view of the wetlands
the tiny fish that somehow end up 

in ponds are dead.
my sister's yard is a plot of concrete.

her children speak to the birds,
the rats, the raccoons, the opossums,

the cats, the high flying geese,
the spiders, as their father sets

traps. i tell the kids, i used to play 
in the wetlands. and there were rats. 

 I got muddy. the sun set
into the tall grasses and reeds

like an egg yolk, and left the skies
purpled and golden, and the geese

would fly overhead, and i knew it
was time to head home. 


  1. love the rat through-line, and that perfect dusk transition <3

  2. Yes, the gradual ending of your day is very evocative here.
