i walk the spit each day
military helicopters circling the peninsula for football on a Sunday,  
my friends and i monitor the brocean each summer, party barges that crowd 
the soft dips in the shore and, depending on mood,  i love to walk
beneath the old growth while rihanna or crazy bitch is carried by the water 
old men boat their dogs to shore to shit, the day drunk paddle board dates
collide, but it’s winter now and the park is peaceful dark,  
i walk the oval alone, my dad tripped there, my friend cried
into their belly over there, we kissed, ate melon, took pictures of
each others hair, we passed the skateboarder twice in one round
and wondered why he didn't look back at us like we looked at him, 
mom and i tried to find shade, she swam through the lily pads, 
my teeth went into your forehead,  my brother had forest camp,
we both loved robin hood, the ski-doo made such waves,
i talked to you as i marched the perimeter, we had come back to each other
but only over the phone, you cried for me, old prayer friend, 
a key lime dress stayed hanging from a branch
for days

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